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The best way to lose weight

The vast majority experience the ill effects of the issue of weight pick up, and they take after every single conceivable technique and strategies to work to bring down their weight and get a perfect weight. In any case, there are some people who suffer from the problem of weight loss significantly, due to many different reasons. So what are the best ways to gain weight and get the ideal weight?

The desire of some who suffer from excessive thinness may be logical often, as women who suffer from thinness want to increase their weight slightly to get a body and attractive and beautiful, and men also want to increase their weight to increase their muscles and give them better forms of their bodies. Extreme thinness is not always associated with bad health or illness, but other factors affect it.

Factors that affect the thinness are genetic factors, as some families note that they are skinny, in which case they have rapid metabolic rates, and they have a low appetite to eat. And the excessive activity of some people makes them very thin, where they consume a lot of calories. Sometimes, the disease leads to anorexia and may impair the body's ability to store food, such as thyroid, diabetes, cancer, or AIDS.

There are also some drugs that cause rapid weight loss and loss of appetite, and the sensitivity of some food plays a role in addition to psychological factors such as stress, tension, and depression, as these factors cause the weakness of the appetite to eat.

If you are suffering from excess weight and want to increase your weight you have to get more calories than your daily need that the body can burn, and you can exercise bodybuilding that increases the body mass of the body, rather than increase the proportion Body fat, a perfect way to gain weight.

You should eat more foods that are high in calories, not necessarily mental and harmful, but on the contrary, there are foods rich in calories, which do not contain fat, such as nuts and protein drinks. You should also eat fruit rich in calories, such as bananas and dried fruits, and keep away from fiber-rich fruits such as watermelons, oranges, as well as water-rich vegetables such as cucumbers and cucumbers.

Add cream-rich soups to your food as well as foods containing healthy oils, such as olive oil, coconut oil, and butter oil. It also includes supplements that work for weight gain, as well as foods that contain high proportions of proteins such as meat, fish, and nuts. 

Twofold the quantities of suppers amid the day to five or six dinners, add flavors and flavors to your nourishment as it attempts to expand the craving to eat. Eat your nourishment rapidly, and do as such in a huge dish to build the measure of sustenance.


Tips and treatments to quickly get rid of obesity

Obesity treatment

We can say that obesity may turn into a bad condition, as it is one of the most prevalent diseases, especially in our Arab region, and the causes are known to all. Obesity as a disease is a condition in which fat accumulates in the body, especially in the abdomen (forming a so-called crash), reaching a stage that affects the health of the body and causes the body's exposure to the seriousness of certain diseases. Obesity treatment, unfortunately, should not be an option, it threatens the lives of many, although ignored, obesity has caused many diseases that may lead to death, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, osteoporosis and other diseases. Whether you are suffering from obesity or related to those who suffer from it, this article will change your life if you follow what you will remember.

These tips if followed literally will help you in the treatment of obesity will get rid of about 5 pounds in one week,

Each of them reduces one pound of weight on average. Try it all for better results, better health.

*-. Reduce the space of your food dishes:
Be sure to know that it is necessary to reduce the number of foods you eat, and to do so you can make some simple changes. Instead of eating in a 12-inch dish, you can eat in another 10 or 8-inch diameter, and the result is one. Psychologists and experts say it is the amount of food that fills the dish that makes us feel full, whether the dish has a diameter of 10 or 12 inches. This simple trick will reduce the amount of food you eat by 20-25%, which means a decrease of 500 calories than you eat!

*- Stop soft drinks are very important in the treatment of obesity:
The mineral gas canister contains about 150 calories. If you eat three packs a day, it means that stopping drinking soft drinks gives you 450 calories a day, which reduces your weight by one pound per week. The change is very simple but has a great long-term effect. Try to drink water only whenever you feel thirsty, and you will feel greater health and health.

*- Always choose the smallest:
If you are inclined to eat outside, always make a choice to choose the smallest food measurements. Deprivation will increase your craving for food, so eat what you want but focus on quantity. For example, you can eat the sweetness that you like or the meal you love with your friends, but choose the size for the children, or the small size, and you will feel full in either case. 

*- Good sleep:
Experts note that sleep disturbance may be a cause of obesity. Sleep deprivation or sleep for a few hours leads to the disruption of hormones responsible for feeling full or hungry. When you eat, hormones are responsible for stopping you from eating because you feel full. The disorder of these hormones makes you not realize that you are satisfied only after it is too late. As with hunger hormones, you may feel hungry all the time, although the truth is not. Try to sleep well and regularly, to get rid of the wrong habits that cause your obesity.

*- Breakfast:
Do not think that bypassing breakfast or other meals may reduce your weight! Breakfast is the most important meal at all, it is necessary to provide you with energy and feel full for the rest of your day, and the process of metabolism where the burning of the maximum calories during the day after breakfast, which must be early (before 10 am).

*-. Distribute what you eat:
6 snacks distributed throughout the day are better than 3 heavy meals if you intend to treat your obesity. Try to eat every 3-4 hours, even light food to reduce your sense of hunger and give your body long enough to burn calories.

*- Beware of missed meals:
Skip meals also behave erroneously, you will feel too hungry and over-compensated in the next meal, and your body will store what you eat rather than digest it, to compensate for the sense of hunger you felt!

*- Make Your Own Dining Notebook:
Make yourself a notebook where you record your food plan daily, so prepare the calories for everything you eat. Calculate quantities and calories, and you can refer to a lot of evidence available online to calculate the prices of each type of food you eat.

essential foods to get rid of obesity and help in the treatment of obesity

The following foods are effective in getting rid of obesity. They are ideal if you want a healthy diet. It gives you the necessary nutrients and at the same time makes you feel fuller for longer.

*- Oatmeal:
One of the best foods that can start your day, it contains carbohydrates help stimulate metabolism (metabolism) and at the same time rich in fiber necessary for digestion, and feeling full for a long time.

*- Eggs:
Eggs are rich in nutrients and protein, both essential if you follow a diet to treat obesity. Protein makes you feel full for a while, reducing your appetite for food, and nutrients are necessary to make up for what you may lose during your diet.

*- Grapefruit:

Among the foods that help you burn fat without making any effort. Eating half of the grapefruit before each meal may work to lose one pound of your weight during a week! It also helps to feel full because it is rich in protein and water together.

*- Green Tea:
It stimulates the metabolic process and is beneficial to the overall health of being rich in antioxidants. Experts point out that eating 5 cups a day of green tea may increase the weight you can lose per week of your diet!

*- Dark chocolate:

It is perfect on the off chance that you expect to shed pounds, not only for its particular taste, but rather for three principal reasons: it empowers digestion, encourages you to consume fat, moderate processing, and alleviates your craving for sugars, salt, and fat.