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What makeup to choose according to your skin type?

Your skin is dry, oily, sensitive, mature or greasy? Keep it with the new makeup products. Almost hybrid, full of clever ingredients, they adapt to your skin better.
Today, most make-up products offer a multitude of benefits to skin. With their light textures, they put to the credit of the natural ingredients, develop anti-pollution complex, UV protection and moisturizing assets, matting or anti-aging.
The make-up does more good to the skin, it also affects morale by improving the image and self-confidence. Carine Larchet, Manager of the La Roche-Posay concealer makeup workshop, adds: "make-up should help change the way we look inward. Its role is to restore value to a pretty mouth, to highlight and enhance what is nice. More we try to hide, more given to others an indication on what one wishes to hide. »
Do not be obsessed with a button, an imperfection... Make-up should reveal more correct. But it is not easy to navigate among all of these new products for the complexion. Find your office
Sensitive skin: opt for soothing tinted creams
Sensitive skin feels tight, reddened, tingling, is prone to irritation or scratching.

What products?

Prefer the makeup with a SPF (sun protection factor). It is recommended in case of broken capillaries or rosacea, aggravated by solar radiation.
"Side ingredients, avoid fragrances and parabens, recommends Joëlle Nonni, makeup workshops and health education to the baths of Avène-les-Bains. Choose formulas containing the Conservatives less possible and stamped "hypoallergenic" that minimize the risk of allergy. »
Prefer the BB or CC creams, less coverage than make-up but to render more natural, more moisturizing, and which can be enriched in soothing ingredients (thermal water, arnica).

What texture?

Prefer creams or fluids. If you are prone to eczema type pathologies, avoid the powder which tends to dry out the skin.
What is the secret of application?
Intensely moisturize the skin. Take a little background of Foundation or cream (BB or CC) and put it by tapping.

The right color?

If you have a rash, use a cream containing green pigments in order to neutralize them in the preamble.
To erase the local redness, you can use a green stick. It applies by tapping, until the material becomes gray. There are only to apply a Foundation (more covering than a BB or CC in this case) the exact color of the complexion

And for the eyes?

Sensitive skin often, rhymes with sensitive eyes. Choose a mascara formulated for these fragile eyes and containing very little conservatives. For blushes, prefer neutral tones - like the beige, the sand, the nude-, often better tolerated.
Dry skin: focus on creamy foundations
Dry skin is rough, prone to dander, and sometimes a bit dull.

What products?

The BB creams may lack a bit of coverage and not be enough hydrating. Prefer so Foundation cream containing a large proportion and water rich in hyaluronic acid which softens the dander. Avoid the formulas at base of parabens, which accentuate the dehydration.

What texture?

Prefer creamy, moisturizing and emollient creams textures to nourish and soften the skin. Carine Larchet advises to not mix Foundation and cream day background, because this might Peel. Side blush too, prefer creams, which merge with the skin.
What is the secret of application?
• "Start by hydrating the skin with a treatment that targets the extreme drought. If the skin is not smooth, makeup may cling to the dander and complexion will not be uniform.

• Then apply Foundation with the tips of the fingers. If you prefer the sponge, moisten it previously with a veil of thermal water. This gives more flexibility and makes the benefits of thermal water.

• Once the foundation laid, bottom with a veil of mineral powder brushed with a soft brush on the forehead, nose and Chin. Avoid the eye contour.
The right color?
Prefer the slightly abricotees nuances. On the skin as on the cheekbones.
Oily skin: prefer lightweight textures
Oily skin is conducive to the newish, pores, and buttons.

What products?

On oily skin, it is better not to put too much material to avoid cosmetic acne.
"Prefer light formulas that evaporate on contact with the air, for example based on volatile oils. Evanescent, they only leave the pigments on the surface of the skin", explains Ludovic Engrand, make-up artist Shu Uemura.
Choose them enriched in powder absorbent matifiantes and make sure that they are stamped "noncomedogenic"
What texture?

Lightness is the watchword. The right formula, water of complexion, or a background of complexion.
What is the secret of application?
• «After cleaning the skin and applied a moisturizing gel, spray a sprayable make-up base that prepares the holding of makeup without overloading the skin, explained Ludovic Engrand.»
• Then put Foundation on your cheekbones, the rounded part of the face. This allows to optically correct the rest of the complexion and apply less product on the T-zone, where the skin is thinner than on the rest of the face.
• Use the product to apply the least possible and put the sponge to smooth the texture of skin and avoid the material seeps into the pores. Use movements from top to bottom.
• Finishing, DAB the skin with absorbent paper, before sweeping a blush powder brush on the top of the cheekbone.
• If you need to touch up during the day, soak up the excess oil with a tissue or a paper mattifying, and powder only the area that shines with an invisible powder transparent ultra-fine. »

The right color?

Oily skin tend to turn red... So avoid too pinkish hues of blush. Prefer the more yellow nuances: apricot, peach or brown.

Can I make a button?

Yes, according to Dr. Catherine Laverdet, dermatologist, because makeup does not aggravate the button. "He even avoids him fiddling.
• If it is small or healing, cover it with a fluid concealer. Texture evaporates and becomes dull, which avoids the 'package' effect.
• If your button is red, prefer an anti-blemish stick, which corrects while treating thanks to purifying ingredients and sanitizers.
Also read: oily skin with imperfections: what beauty for face and body rituals?
Mature skin: the make-up which rejuvenates
Prone to fine lines, wrinkles and sagging, a mature skin gets a little help makeup.

What products?

To you the formulas with antioxidants and anti-aging ingredients that stimulate the production of collagen. The labs do not hesitate to incorporate into products the same ingredients as in their care: vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, peptides, plant extracts.
Also prefer skin tone satins, funds which catch the light and revive the shine. Some contain extract of oats in the tightening effect. Finally, those with an index of protection are good allies to combat skin ageing.

What texture?

Fluid foundation or, for the more mature skin who are prone to drying out, a texture cream to the effect down jacket. Avoid the powders as dry formulas mark mo
What is the secret of application?
"To not freeze the strokes, apply Foundation on the fixed parts, never on mobile areas, advises Patrick Lorentz, senior artist Estée Lauder make-up. Put it on your finger or with a brush on the nose, Chin, cheekbones and blend. »
Around the mouth, place a substantive Foundation and combleur serum mix to smooth and makeup in one step.

The right color?

More than ever, to choose a formula perfectly adapted to your skin tone, as a color too dark or too intense marks more features.


The best sport for anxiety and depression

On the off chance that you
On the off chance that you experience the ill effects of sorrow or tension, physical practice can calm a few indications. Dealing with your body, you deal with your psychological well-being, reminds the American site Health. The game does not supplant medicines endorsed by human services experts, but rather speaks to a compelling integral guide. This is the most suitable exercises as indicated by specialists:


People who practice yoga notice a decrease in symptoms of depression, stress, anger, and anxiety. After having conducted studies on this subject, several groups of researchers recommend this activity to calm the nerves and the spirit and as a complementary treatment for depression. In question, the effect beneficial and calming

The race

Run regularly allows you to burn calories, reduce food cravings, increase life expectancy and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown also other benefits, particularly at the level of mental health: run helps improve his mood by stimulating the production of hormones of pleasure and reward, both during and after exercise. According a study cited parHealth, the race would have similar effects to antidepressants and, moreover, helps sleep better

Hiking in the forest

To maximize the effects beneficial of the market and the race, nothing beats an environment as soothing as a forest. Many studies have noted a reduction in stress and anxiety in those who practiced activities in contact with nature. Plants produce chemicals to slow their deterioration process, and which also relax us.


Canker sores

15 to 30% of the populace is influenced by infection, ladies being more concerned. The mouth ulcer is a mellow condition, yet which can bother. It is a sore or ulcerationsuperficielle, noninfectious, a surface of a couple of millimeters. Encompassed by a provocative region, this sore is limited generally in the oral mucosa. The mouth ulcer causes an extremely upsetting copying sensation, and some of the time uneasiness when biting, and in addition a hyper-salivation. The torment for the most part endures between 2 to 5 days.


A canker sore is a small lesion of the oral mucosa inside that is the wall of the mouth. Canker sores appear as small white or yellowish, painful and well circumscribed lesions by a red line. They preferentially reach the gums, inside of the cheeks or the edges or the tip of the tongue. Touching the young subject, these lesions often most of the unique time evolve by thrusts and heal spontaneously. A canker sore treatment is based on good dental hygiene, and possibly on a local anesthetic gel to relieve pain if they are too troublesome.

Where can we get some canker sores?

Canker sores appear especially in the oral appliance, at the level of the lips, tongue, the inside of the cheeks, gums, the Palace or the throat. Canker sores can also be located on the genitals, Glans in humans, vulva in women. Canker sores are usually unique, but they can sometimes appear:


Canker sores can do following injuries to a bite of the lining, too energetic to teeth brushing, or dentures. They can also be linked to certain foods such as nuts, strawberries, spices, cheeses such as Gruyère or crustaceans. Some drugs may also be in

Risk factors:

Canker sores risk factors include a female (as the result of hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle), a hereditary character, stop smoking or even stress or fatigue. Canker sores usually go away on their own. But if they occur repeatedly, it is better to consult a doctor.


Oral hygiene
It is necessary to regularly brush their teeth, ideally using a toothpaste without SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate), a foaming agent found in most toothpastes that would promote the occurrence of canker sores in predisposed individuals.

Foods to avoid
It is also recommended to avoid nuts are a number of foods such as nuts, lespommes, cheese, strawberries, shellfish and spices.

Bad habits
Some habits, like the nibbling or a brushing your teeth too hard, favor the appearance of canker sores, as well as dentures badly positioned.


Mild ulcers
For mild canker sores, treatment is mostly local. It is based on the use of baths of mouths, anesthetic gel, mouth spray or lozenges antibacterial, antiseptic and anesthetic.

Recurrent Aphthae
The treatment is for recurrent canker sores, especially general. It relies on different molecules, don colchicine, which prevents recurrences, corticosteroids which accelerate lacicatrisation or thalidomide that prevents and calm the pain.

Natural remedy:

If you are on medication, take care to specify to your doctor or pharmacist before you prescribe a herbal treatment. These tips do not replace the advice of a physician or a pharmacist. If the symptoms persist or get worse, it should be quickly consult his doctor.
In the form of extracts, licorice has antiseptic and soothing properties that contribute to the healing of the ulcer. Licorice extract is applied externally, by dabbing the ulcerated area. Licorice is administered in the form of lozenges to suck.
Myrrh is known for its antiseptic properties. As a tincture, it is used against mouth infections and throat, such as canker sores, gingivitis, external use, as a gargle, or application.


The importance of exercise to stay young

Physical movement keeps a body conditioned, capable, strong. She likewise prepares the cerebrum. They say, the development, such is reality!
Physical practice has significant significance. The proof? It is presently tried as a genuine medication, which permits to take in somewhat more about its method of activity and its belongings.

Moving is good for health

"Physical action quickens the combination of particles a little marvels, trophic elements, that expansion the span of the muscle filaments and their recharging, clarifies Professor John Mariani, neurobiologist specialist." She is additionally on the boats.
At the level of the brain, it has several benefits: it stimulates because any motor Act involves a cognitive preparation, it promotes the synthesis of factors neuroprotective. Finally, it allows to oxygenate the neurons, and thereby to maintain his intellectual activity. »
"Muscle maintenance allows to have harmonious movements, with good coordination in space," says Dr. Linda Benattar, physician geriatrician. To remain independent as to keep away diseases, there is no better solution.
Physical activity maintains the reflexes, balance and the breath. It reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke (cerebral vascular accident), even in the presence of risk factors. It decreases the risk of cancers of the colon, breast and endometrial and prevents their recurrence. For all these reasons, it saves years of life.
Read also: physical exercise: a real drug

4 questions for choosing the right sport activity

The choice of physical activity depends on your physical condition. Its assessment can be done in a center of sports medicine or Physiology of the hospital service. It is the must to spend an effort electrocardiogram and know your strengths and your weaknesses.
A questionnaire developed by Dr. Bénézis gives already some indication.
• 1. are you able to ride at a good pace and without stopping, twenty steps without getting winded?
Yes: it's good!
No: we must start by endurance activities.
• 2. Is your waist size less than 88 cm if you are a woman, 98 cm if you are a man?
Yes: you may have metabolic risk factors to evaluate with your doctor to adapt the activity.
No: it's good!

• 3. Lying, legs bent in crochet, you can straighten your shoulders and your chest to go and touch your knees 20 to 30 times in 1 minute?
Yes: it's good!
No: you must rebuild your ABS and your glutes before start you a program.

• 4. Sitting on a Chair, can you get up and sit without support you, 15 to 30 times in 1 minute?
Yes: more than 20 times, that's fine.
No: you need to work the muscles of the thighs and calves.

How much time per week of exercise physical?

WHO inspires us to start with 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week.
"We move his muscles, his heart and its vessels that allow to bring them the oxygen. Now a physical activity 40 to 60 minutes, three times a week minimum, we can maintain the power of the heart ejection and a good oxygenation of the tissues', says Dr. Christian Bénézis, a sports doctor.
The problem is that it is not always what to choose, how to, where to find time... "Recent studies indicate that can cut these 150 minutes in 10-minute increments," says Laurence Clemente, medicosportive educator.
You lack motivation? Be aware that, in these circumstances, each minute of exercise can make you win 7 minutes of life

Anti-aging sports top

They fight against the aging of the heart, lungs, muscles, joints, bones, or maintain the coordination of movements.
1. very fast market, or in part, without stopping: endurance activity that slows the aging of the heart and lungs. Reduced fat mass.
2 jogging: Ditto, provided you do not have osteoarthritis of the knee or pain at the level of its internal compartment, nor of intervertebral disc pinched.

3 bike: Ditto, if you not have problem of kneecap or knee in (valgus) x.
4 swimming: ditto. Also read: what type of swimming to what benefits?
5 Step: excellent for building muscle and maintain the heart.

6 qi gong, tai chi: excellent for building muscle and maintain the heart. Read also: Seniors: keep health with the Chinese gym!

7 dance: one of the best activities to maintain his bone and tone his muscles of the thighs and

How intense does reach?

"For the exercise to be healthy, must reach the threshold of shortness of breath, which is the beginning of shortness of breath," says Laurence Clemente. This happens when you put all of your muscles working as a debt of oxygen starts to happen.
"The market is still cited as an example, but in town, it can very rarely reach this threshold," she regrets. According to weight and physical fitness, some will have to walk very fast in a park, others scampering, others still, because they are already sporting run.
"Common error is to run too fast for his condition," observes the specialist. If you can no longer talk, if you are not able to conduct a conversation or call for the duration of the exercise, you're going too fast. And your heart can suffer.
That's right, good physical condition, must be earned! Most were sedentary, more profits are slow in coming. "It takes at least six months to find its balance," said Dr. Bénézis.

Uplifting news, there is no age to begin. Also, we're certain to have an outcome, in the event that one is standard. A study demonstrated that following 60 years, strolling 30 to 45 minutes three times each week, invigorates the arrangement of new neurons in the hippocampus, an area of the mind connected with memory.


. The best sustenance’s to abstain from becoming ill

By coordinating a few vegetables, shellfish, plants and refreshments to your eating routine, your odds of harvest time and winter in fabulous wellbeing.
Microorganisms chase is open! On the off chance that you need to put every one of the odds on your side to not get a bug or this season's flu virus in the coming months, he should help the Organization to fortify. To do this, just add a few items to day by day suppers. Here are a few cases of sustenance’s that support safe framework

Fruits and vegetables:

Start with stop at the produce section, and get plenty of squash, also rich in vitamins rich in beta carotene, of peppers, which contain vitamin C, spinach, for their content of iron and vitamin A, carrots. Some citrus can help boost your immune system and your energy.


By consuming of selenium, a nutrient that is found in mushrooms, you help your white blood cells to function well. And you will enjoy the virtues of antimicrobial and antioxidant of this food little calorie and delicious.

Garlic and onion:

These two plants offer significant antiviral virtues. Garlic protects the health of the liver and onion brings a significant amount of vitamin C and pro-biotic. Feel free to eat them raw or cooked in your dishes.


To finish the meal in beauty, or for a break in the middle of the day, feel free to prepare a cup of tea. Not only this drink will warm you, give you energy and help your kidneys to function well, but its antioxidant nutrients allow to strengthen the immune system.

The fish and crustaceans:

Nothing like a shelf of products of the sea and the fish to strengthen your immune system. Oysters bring the zinc, which participates in the operation of white blood cells and helps to fight infections. And fish fat such as smoked herring, salmon and sardines, are excellent sources of vitamin D and omega-3.


Don't forget to go through the box "Milky dessert" and give yourself a yogurt to maintain good digestive health. By strengthening the intestinal lining, you help your body to fight against viruses, especially if you are older, stressed or if you suffer from a chronic illness.


Eczema: definition and symptoms, causes and treatment

Eczema: definition and symptoms, causes and treatment

Skin inflammation is an exceptionally normal malady influencing 30% of the dermatological discussions. Nonetheless, it is anything but difficult to be mistaken for different sicknesses of the skin. Hence, how to distinguish it? What are the causes, side effects, and how to treat? Clarifications. Dermatitis is the most widely recognized ailment of the skin influencing, as per assessments, 15 to 30 percent of youngsters and 2-10% of grown-ups, in industrialized nations. Assumes that would have fundamentally expanded over the previous decades

Definition: what is that eczema?

 Eczema is an itchy skin disease, i.e. an itchy skin disease. Not contagious, accompanied by redness, fine vesicles and dander. Eczema can begin very early in life, especially in infants. It is often associated with asthma as well as various allergic reactions. People with eczema encounter "breakouts of eczema" during which symptoms worsen. These spurts to durations are separated from lull.  However, there are different types of eczema:

-Atopic eczema is the most common form of chronic eczema. It is about people prone to allergies to genetic, hereditary way. This eczema is triggered in the event of contact with an allergen. It is most often of a pneumallergene, i.e. a volatile element that will be breathed (pollen, dust, dust mites) but it can also be food allergen
. -contact, also called Dermatitis, eczema is an inflammation of the epidermis as a result of contact with a special substance that can be an allergen or not. This can be by rubber, nickel or another substance such as drugs or chemicals
. -eczema by internal awareness occurs when an infection by a bacterium, a virus or a fungus takes place and that a reaction occurs at the skin level. However, this form of eczema is more rare than the others

Symptoms: how to recognize eczema?

Eczema manifests itself more often on the hands, feet, face, neck and the folds of the members. It is characterized by constant and specific symptoms, but also by more varying symptoms depending on the type of eczema. Initially, eczema typically characterized by intense skin itching with dryness of the skin, as well as inflammation, that is to say the appearance of redness, warmth and swelling. The severity of the symptoms varies however from one individual to another. Skin damage caused by eczema can take many forms and evolve in different phases. During breakouts of eczema, the epidermis of the skin becomes dry, scaly, inflamed, covered with red roses, thickened vesicles and the skin begins to peel in tatters. In more advanced cases, we find a skin is oozing, or extremely dry and covered with plates (of dander). The affected area is more or less extended depending on th cause other additional symptoms such as dehydration, increased sensitivity to temperature changes, an increase of allergic diseases as well as rhinitis (irritation of the nasal cavity).e case. Eczema can also

The causes of eczema:

 It is difficult to determine with certainty the causes of eczema, insofar as these vary from one patient to another and form which he suffers. The research helped demonstrate that this skin disease showed a strong genetic component. People at risk have so often with parents also eczema or allergy.  Similarly, up to 70% of the parents of children with eczema themselves been affected at least once by eczema during their lives. But it is also possible to establish a general picture gathering factors that favour its appearance. In most cases, eczema is favored by an allergy, emotional factors such as stress and skin infections or immune deficiency. However, it is unclear why eczema arises at any particular period (except the contact eczema). The immunological problems are also common, especially among children who become very sensitive to all the elements that may be allergenic (dust, mite

Eczema treatments:

 Treatments differ depending on the type of eczema than the patient presented, depending on its severity and other factors. But most of the time, it must appeal to a combination of treatments to treat eczema. During the consultation, the doctor will thus try to determine the type of eczema and assess the seriousness to prescribe the right medicines and ointments. For most types of eczema, treatment options involve moisturizers as well as corticosteroids dermal (in the form of ointment). These molecules are effective in case of thrust of eczema to calm inflammation and itching, but they do not prevent recurrences. The most important measure in the treatment and prevention is the use of a moisturizer. When the eczema is more serious, corticosteroids may be prescribed orally to overcome the symptoms. It is possible to treat eczema in adults by ultraviolet, but this treatment increases the risk of skin cancer It is discouraged among young people. In case of strong itching, antihistamines may be prescribed as a sleep aid. For eczema contact, it is also recommended to avoid touching anything that can cause allergies and therefore trigger the appearance of plaques of eczema.


How to choose sunglasses?

How to choose sunglasses?

To pick great sunlight based is an undertaking of mode! Here is some exhortation to be at the top this mid year, by finding THE combine of shades which will go to you without a doubt.
To start with thing to be looked: the type of your face. This one causes the setting to support to underscore your trumps. Since all things considered, if leslunettes of the sun are there to ensure you, as much as they make you pleasant

If you have the oval face

Lucky, you can everything afford! The oval faces are the most common, but also the least demanding. Setting square, oval, round, contemporary, imitating the styles of an earlier period, in the form of flower (there, they hesitate), you do not have more than to try and to find the one who is the best suitable for you and who corresponds to your style.

If you have the round face

To you to see if you prefer giving a little relief to your face or accentuating roundness. Very tendency this season, the round setting has another advantage: that to give a blow of young person. To structure your face and to give him a little more character, opt for sunglasses of square or rectangular form. Style wayfarer, who combines angles and roundness flatters particularly the round faces.

If you have the diamond face

In rhomb or diamond, this form of face is one of the rarest. His particular sign: salient cheekbones. To balance the top of the face, opt for a setting butterfly, extremist female, or oval. The whole is that she does not go down too muc If you have the square or rectangular face
As the round faces, the angular faces have the choice: accentuate their features, or balance them. To round angles off, favour oval or round forms. In the opposite, to play with the form of your face, square or rectangular lines will be perfect. The best compromises? The setting butterfly and the setting style flies.h low.
Complexion, hair, blocks the details which count
Beyond the form of your face, notice, please your complexion, your hairstyle and your mouth.
You have the long hair or the spacious hairstyle? Dare the big settings! On the contrary, if you have the short hair, prefer solar energies of medium or small size.
If the black is a basic which goes with everything, attention to too much made darker settings with tendency to give a strict side to the clear skins: it is better to turn to tones as azure blue, grey, or money. Matt complexions agree as for them perfectly with lively colours, gold, copper-coloured tones, and settings scales.
Smartness if you have fine lips, or if you want to divert the attention of this part of your face: opt for

 to keep:

- Form, clored, points of interest of the face Everything is an undertaking of congruity!

- Always attempt a few settings, of the most careful in the most lavish to look at: you could be astonished.

- Especially, pick the setting which to you plait and with that you feel wellan imposing or original setting which attracts look.


Endless tiredness - Symptoms and treatment

Endless tiredness - Symptoms and treatment

Endless tiredness can be owed to a natural sickness, yet is some of the time connected to a mental tiredness in the casing outstandingly of a sadness. It is hard to know whether ceaseless tiredness is one of the components in charge of a discouragement or on the off chance that it is an outcome. Rest does not bring change, this tiredness is constantly present.
More incessant at the lady than at the man, endless tiredness shows a broadened condition of tiredness, without rest bringing change. Frequently connected to a dejection, she can be owed to a natural sickness. It is however hard to know whether constant tiredness is reason or result of dejection.


In this context, chronic tiredness manifests itself by difficulty or impossibility to carry an action out because being responsible for a too important tiredness: it is the fatigabilité; the difficulty in supporting a mental pressure; a psychological so called tiredness psychasthénie; a reduction of muscular energy and mainly present psychical and driving slowing down and tiredness and fatigabilité at the beginning of day and with an improvement in the course of the flow of this one. At the same time, many signs of depression with notably sadness, loss of desire and of interest, depreciation, pessimism, disturbances of behaviour are traditionally found, sometimes they worry linked... 80 % cases of unexplained tiredness correspond in fact to a depression.


A maintenance allows to determine the existence of a depression and its intensity. A definite cross-examination as Hamilton's test allows in some questions to assess the depressive symptoms and as well as it to can reinforce towards a tiredness of depressive origin. But chronic tiredness that can be linked to many diseases, supplementary examinations are necessary in case of doubt and if depression is not typical. The chronic tiredness as part of depression is a diagnosis of elimination.


At the point when the unending tiredness in discouragement is connected to torment, the treatment is mostly in light of antipain. Antidepressants and thymorégulateurs (controllers of disposition), resting drugs, myorelaxants or sedatives help the depressive individual to discover vitality, richness and a decent nature of rest. In the meantime, TCC (cognitivo-conduct treatments) brings great results. At long last, an incitement for a dynamic resumption of exercises enhances the condition of the debilitated.


Insomnia (Sleep troubles)


A sleeping disorder, or trouble in discovering rest, is an extremely basic issue: around 30 % in 40 % grown-ups have rest inconveniences over the span of given year. A sleeping disorder is not a restorative friendship in itself, but rather a side effect: it is a methods utilized by our body to state to us that something does not function admirably.
There are a few sorts of a sleeping disorder. A few people encounter trouble in discovering rest, while others have a discontinuous or too short rest. Additionally, rest inconveniences can last just some days or weeks or endure and get to be unending after a few months, or significantly more.
Sleep deprivation constitutes an issue just in the event that it is irritating for the individual concerned. It is case for instance of a man will's identity tired in the waking or who will feel sluggish amid day. To note that the need of rest lessens with age: in this way, it is totally ordinary that the grown-ups rest less for quite a while than the children
Here are the typical needs of sleep according to age:
Age the necessary Hours of sleep
Newborn baby from 13 to 17
2 years from 9 to 13
10 years from 10 to 11
16 - 65 years from 6 to 9
More than 65 years from 6 to 8
The elder sleep less than the children and the adults, and their sleep is also less deep. Paradoxical sleep or of stadium IV (very deep sleep) for an old person of more than 65 years, represents only about 25 % time of complete sleep, compared with 50 % for the preschooler. It means probably that the elder have tendency to dream less, given that dreams especially take place during paradoxical sleep.
With age, some persons can make the best of a very weak number of the hours of sleep. Margaret Thatcher maintained that she slept on average only 4 hours at most on night during the years when she occupied the post of Prime minister in Great Britain. However, the lack of sleep draws problems away during day for a big number of persons. At some point, about 10 % populations estimate to suffer from chronic insomnia. Almost 50 % of us will know episodes of insomnia at instant or to other one.

Insomnia has generally a subjacent reason. Among the most common reasons of insomnia, they find:
• trips by air, especially in west sense - (the time difference) is;
• anxiety or depression;
• affections such as gastro-œsophagien low tide the enlargement of the prostate, the illness of Parkinson, the illness of Alzheimer or a cerebral vascular accident (AVC);
• medicaments such as décongestionnants, stimulants (for example the méthylphénidate *) and some antidepressants;
• the nicotine, the caffeine and the alcohol;
• the lack of activity during day;
• the pain generated by arthritis or by other problems of health;
• bad habits of sleep;
• the changes of quarter of job;
• sleep troubles as apnea;
• the stress linked to job, to home life, to happening of a decease or of an illness in the family or among the fellows, or else in financial difficultie

Symptoms and Complications

Insomnia can manifest itself by symptoms below:
• a difficult ensommeillement;
• an intermittent sleep;
• a too morning waking;
• a feeling of tiredness in the waking, in spite of fact to have slept a sufficient number of the hours;
• of tiredness and drowsiness during day;
• of petulance or anxiety;
• headaches;
• difficulties of concentration during day.
A fall of output at school or in job and risk augmented by car accidents someone of possible complications of insomnia are.

Since insomnia is a symptom, your doctor will search first of all reason. To this end, he will ask you how you sleep and if you lie down every day at the same hour. He could ask you to hold a newspaper in which you would note information on your sleep during week. You will have to say to him if you take medicine (including cures based on curative plants and available medicaments) and if you smoke or use some coffee and some alcohol. If in your life there are sources of stress which could affect your sleep, it would be good to say it him.
By getting you a general medical examination and by noting your medical antecedents, your doctor will be capable of knowing if you have problems of health such as depression, anxiety or arthritis, who can cause insomnia or contribute to it. Besides, he could prescribe you blood analyses which would highlight subjacent medical problems.
Your doctor will recommend a consultation in a private hospital specialised in sleep troubles, and which gives an examination as a polysomnographie to support the diagnosis of insomnia. It consists in recording, by means of électrodes put on the body of the person which sleeps, the various stages of sleep, of stadium I (light sleep) at the stadium IV (deep sleep) as well as paradoxical sleep (linked to dreams). The polysomnographie also allows to diagnose the apnea of sleep

Treatment and Prevention

The treatment of insomnia can include several shutters: a treatment of affection which caused it, an improvement of the hygiene of sleep, a modification of behaviours and the catch of medicaments. If insomnia was caused by affection as arthritis or depression, it is necessary to treat this last first of all, because its improvement will draw away probably that of insomnia.
The hygiene of sleep includes very simple measures that you could put into practice to augment your chances to spend a good night. You could, for example, change some behaviours. As part of your plan of treatment, your doctor will recommend you perhaps the measures of hygiene of sleep or of behaviour below:
• regulate your bedtime by deciding to follow regularly practices which will favour your endormissement;
• reserve the bedroom for sleep and for intimate activities;
• refrain from using some coffee or some chocolate before going to bed;
• try to think of job nor stressful problems before putting to bed you; read little, if this activity helps you to relax;
• think of positive things, it will avoid you being concerned about your sleep;
• lie down every evening at the same hour, even during the weekends;
• stretch out on the back and put a pillow under your knees if you suffer from troubles of back;
• be sure that the bedroom is dark, silent and not too hot; a generative apparatus of white noise can conceal sounds of traffic or noise of the partner which snores;
• have a drink of hot milk or a bath hot front to put to bed you;
• reduce at the very least the job of medicaments likely to change sleep (diuretics, appetite suppressants); if you must take it, avoid that it is before putting to bed you;
• got some exercise during day; if a physical activity performed in the evening prevents you from sleeping, then practice it earlier;
• try to diminish your consumption of cigarettes and of alcohol, especially in the evening;
• avoid looking at the hour; having put alarm, turn the clock radio so that you could not see the face;
• practice techniques of relaxation.
Benzodiazépines (for example the flurazépam *, the nitrazépam, the témazépam, the triazolam, the lorazépam, the diazépam,) is often prescribed against insomnia. There are several there, but some were more studied than others. To prescribe you the benzodiazépine who is the best suitable for you, your doctor will take into consideration your age, your other affections as well as side effects of benzodiazépines.
Some persons can acquire a physical dependency in benzodiazépines and credit of the symptoms of weaning when they stop job.
A good many of sleeping drugs are also possible procreate a tolerance (a reduction of effect in the course of time). That is why the doctors do not like to prescribe them for long periods (more than 21 consecutive days), except in case of failure with other treatments or in the absence of tolerance in benzodiazépines. The zopiclone and the zolpidem, who are not part of the family of benzodiazépines, are other medicaments which are sometimes used in the treatment of insomnia..
If your doctor prescribed you a medicament to help you to sleep, it is important that you also use not medicinal methods.
If you have a timetable of irregular job which unsettles your rhythm of sleep, the best way of attenuating effects is to display you directly to light, morning. They noted that this method is more efficient to delay the biological clocks at the hour than the catch of melaniline, a hormonal medicament copiously publicisé. Natural light launches the production of melaniline by the brain. The catch of supplements of melaniline did not make the object of sufficient researches and could have side effects which are still not known.
L-tryptophane is another supplement which could be efficient against insomnia, but its effects are not also foreseeable as those of other medicaments




Goiter:un gathering of maladies connected to central tumors in the district of the thyroid. The exhibition of the negative effets of ailment depends, all things considered, on hormonal levels, instead of on location and the span of knobs tumors. Advanced médicine
differentiate following morphological forms of the nodulose goiter: goiter colloid, a clever tumour in the region of the thyroid gland, as well as follicular adenoma. Besides, the harvest is classified by site: plain, ring, rear-view mirror sternale, dystocique (goiter root of the language or from the direction additional of thyroid one glan

Goiter - Reasons of illness

Science has not established the precise reason of the goiter yet. It is known that an important role in the training of a genetic predisposition plays a deficit of illness and of iodine in the body. However, they think that the goiter comes from cumulative effects of several negative factors. These are the following:
- energy (hereditary or acquired) malnutrition;
- a variety of diseases of internal organs;
- disadvantageous environment.

Goiter - symptoms

In general, the education, linked to the thyroid, small and insignificant gland. A person can not point out their presence.
Of more goiter is possible be diagnosed by the following symptoms:
- the feeling of pain and of fullness in the throat of the throat;
- difficulty in breathing and in swallowing;
- quick pulse and heart rate;
- perspiration, and weight loss;
- depression, tiredness;
- nervousness.

Goiter - diagnosis illness

primary diagnosis of the goiter is the palpation of the prostate. During the detection of tumours constituents ultrasound scan to determine the precise dimensions of education and of volume of the thyroid.
In that case, if they the training 1 cm in diameter or more, the needle fine biopsy is determined are named by palpation and ultrasound scan. For the small sizes of the knot, this procedure is performed that in cases of suspected clever tumour. Ultrasound scan and combination of biopsy can improve considerably the research of information.
If the goiter is too big and is imitating the styles of an earlier period sternale, there is a risk of displacement and of compression of respiratory tract. In this situation, to prescribe a pulmonary radiography and the oesophagus contrasts of barium. For a diagnosis more detailed goiter retro sternal is sometimes appeal in imagery by magnetic reso

goiter - treatment and prevention

In most cases, the goiter does not require a medical or surgical intervention, given that illness does not have pathological signification of organism. Such patients to control illness enough and once a year and in échographique examination total of the thyroid gland.
In the case of the big size of goiter, what drives to a syndrome of compression or of changes in the appearance, it is necessary to reduce the functional load of the thyroid gland. Such treatment will work normally iron, without including the additional reservations which give rise to tumours. The treatment is either in the reception of the hormonal agents, or to eliminate the influence of the factors of pathogenic organism.
. instruction arranging Me analyzed to 5 for hundred cases. All things considered, the treatment can incorporate the disposal of a tumor by the surgery or of the traditionalist use of therapeutic treatment. It is important to note that operation does not annul reasons of goiter, it is essential to decrease the impact of the pathogenic elements heading to the presence of disease. Counteractive action

of the goiter descends for the most part to an expansion of the extent of items iodized in eating regimen.