Insomnia is a disease spread in our time and all this makes us lose part of our energy What is insomnia? KGB is avoiding him.
Insomnia is a type of sleep disturbance affects each of us, it is temporary and some of the others in some cases, leaving behind psychological and physical problems. Studies indicate that it affects more than half of adolescents and a large proportion of older persons.
Hours of sleep:
The number of sleep hours varies by age and individual. Most adults need about 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night, while others need about 6 hours. Older people sleep a little at night but make up for it throughout the day.
Insomnia adversely affects the living system, so that one gets more nervous and becomes susceptible to convulsions and tension during the day.
Symptoms of insomnia and its consequences:
There are many symptoms of insomnia, each of which is manifested in the irregular sleep periods, inability to sleep more than 4 hours and the tyranny of dark thoughts and nightmares during sleep.
Its consequences vary from feeling tired and sleepy throughout the day, almost a loss of memory and timing, lack of focus on things, weak confrontation in some situations, constant anxiety down to depression.
When insomnia is repeated day after day, health and psychological problems are exacerbated and people sometimes enter a vicious circle so that it is very difficult to go back to deep sleep.
Essential Tips:
In order to eliminate the problem of insomnia, you have to follow some basic steps to sleep deeply:
• Avoid sleeping more than necessary times and for similar periods, that is, going to sleep and waking up at specific times, even on weekends, makes you have a sustainable system.
• Exercise helps you to get rid of the stress that controls your being and thus enjoy physical comfort and go to sleep without having to deal with the daily problems that cause insomnia. It is best to avoid physical exercise in the evening and exercise during the day
• Avoid evening stimulants such as coffee, tea, and foods containing vitamin C, because they delay the sleep period. Alcohol and smoking should also be avoided in the evening because nicotine also limits the ability to sleep safely and may cause respiratory problems.
Continuous system:
• Eat dinner two hours before going to sleep and include quick-digesting snacks such as milk and cheese, and refrain from eating fat and fatty foods. On the other hand, do not skip dinner so you do not feel hungry in the middle of the night, and cause insomnia.
• Relaxation is an essential factor for a sound sleep, so you should stop working or playing electronic games before sleeping for about half an hour.
• If you can not sleep within 15 minutes, get out of bed and watch television or read a book that gives you the basic elements to feel sleepy again, and stop thinking about sensitive topics in your bed.
Treatment with sedatives
• Sometimes medical treatment may be necessary in your case by taking some sedatives provided that they are prescribed for a specific period only. Avoid taking it at random and without consulting your doctor to avoid any serious consequences.
Yoga Exercise
• Yoga for seven minutes before bed is useful in some cases through the following exercise: Hold your hands by placing your fingers on each other from the back and rubbing slowly. Then, place your fingertips on each other as you twist your other fingers. Let your hands do this exercise at the level of your stomach and your arms elongated straight.
Try all these steps until you get rid of insomnia and if it is impossible to follow the advice in this subject to you to see a psychiatrist to find out the real reasons and then follow the correct treatment.