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The Eline: another treatment for diabetes

The body creates an atom, the one that could be the new restorative voice against diabetes.

The exeline has been effective in regulating blood sugar levels and increasing the sensitivity of cells to insulin, according to the results of a study published in the Medical journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism. This is a new therapeutic pathway for the 400 million of people in the world affected by diabetes.

INSERM researchers in Toulouse (unit 1048 "Institute of Metabolic and Cardiovascular diseases" INSERM/Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier) conducted a clinical trial to test the efficacy of the eline to regulate the sugar level in the Blood and improve the sensitivity of the cells to insulin.

The effective and without side effects
The exeline is a ubiquitous molecule (present throughout the organism) that can, if necessary, regulate the rate of sugar in the organism instead of insulin. But it only activates if the main control function is not effective.

"By discovering this alternative way of assimilating sugar in other ways, thanks to the latter, the researchers quickly had the idea to stimulate this natural pathway and to produce the synthesise," recalls the Inserm communiqué.

They recruited 16 healthy but overweight men to participate in a study aimed at identifying the benefits and tolerance of two different doses of intravenously administered. The first group had a dose equivalent to 9nmol/kg, and the second group received 30 nmol/kg. The blood glucose levels of the patients were measured before and after the injection.

The findings of this study showed that the injection of the lowest dose resulted in a better assimilation of blood glucose, while the administration of the highest dose resulted in addition to a proven increase in the sensitivity of Insulin cells. No side effects were observed.

"This is designated" verification of Concept "clarifies Philippe Valet, creator of the investigation." Even if the example is little, the outcomes we have quite recently gotten urge us to move to more generous numbers with the end goal to affirm them on a more extensive scale and to visualize a certifiable advertising authorisation.