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Type of health vitamins that contribute to the beauty

Type of health vitamins that contribute

to the beauty

following a model of special and rich diet prevents excess weight and the thing that makes the skin beautiful lies, not only as regards with minerals and vitamins, but the nail care and care gums and other helps hair stay soft and moisturized. • the absorption of beta-carotene by your body in steaming or boiling food containing the substance and by adding a little butter or other fat. • B vitamins are essential for the development of the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin B6, in particular, contributes to the formation of collagen for the development of a firm connective tissue. Biotin, more commonly known as vitamin B7, is also part of the B group vitamins that protect the cells of the skin and hair. • Vitamin C accelerates the production of collagen in your cells and helps maintain healthy gums. Because vitamin C is rapidly destroyed by heat, it is recommended to consume raw foods rich in vitamin C. Minerals • Iron facilitates the transport of oxygen in the blood. Pale, brittle nails and hair loss may be signs of iron deficiency - one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world. • Potassium stimulates your kidneys and digestive system, ensuring the elimination of harmful substances, and plays an important role in maintaining the flexibility of your skin. • Calcium (dairy products) makes teeth strong and healthy. • Magnesium helps the cell walls to remain stable, which prevents the skin from wrinkles. • Selenium, present in whole grain products, repairs skin lesions. • Zinc helps vitamin A in its functions and promotes the healing of wounds and an immune system strong. Sources of vitamins and minerals • Beta-carotene: fruit and vegetables Orange and yellow, dark leafy vegetables. • Biotin: eggs, legumes, offal. • Vitamin B: cereals, soy, nuts, legumes • Iron: meat, whole grain products. • Potassium: dried fruit, legumes, nuts, soy products, vegetables, mushrooms, avocados, bananas. • Calcium: milk and other dairy products... • Zinc: legumes, cereals, nuts, poultry, fresh seafood. • Magnesium: whole grains, legumes, mineral water products. • Selenium: Brewer's yeast, whole grains, seafood products, mushrooms, brown rice. • Vitamin C: citrus fruit, the kiwi, rose hips, blackberries, peppers, papaya, broccoli. • Vitamin E: nuts, the seeds of cereals, cold-pressed oils.


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