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The importance of exercise to stay young

Physical movement keeps a body conditioned, capable, strong. She likewise prepares the cerebrum. They say, the development, such is reality!
Physical practice has significant significance. The proof? It is presently tried as a genuine medication, which permits to take in somewhat more about its method of activity and its belongings.

Moving is good for health

"Physical action quickens the combination of particles a little marvels, trophic elements, that expansion the span of the muscle filaments and their recharging, clarifies Professor John Mariani, neurobiologist specialist." She is additionally on the boats.
At the level of the brain, it has several benefits: it stimulates because any motor Act involves a cognitive preparation, it promotes the synthesis of factors neuroprotective. Finally, it allows to oxygenate the neurons, and thereby to maintain his intellectual activity. »
"Muscle maintenance allows to have harmonious movements, with good coordination in space," says Dr. Linda Benattar, physician geriatrician. To remain independent as to keep away diseases, there is no better solution.
Physical activity maintains the reflexes, balance and the breath. It reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke (cerebral vascular accident), even in the presence of risk factors. It decreases the risk of cancers of the colon, breast and endometrial and prevents their recurrence. For all these reasons, it saves years of life.
Read also: physical exercise: a real drug

4 questions for choosing the right sport activity

The choice of physical activity depends on your physical condition. Its assessment can be done in a center of sports medicine or Physiology of the hospital service. It is the must to spend an effort electrocardiogram and know your strengths and your weaknesses.
A questionnaire developed by Dr. Bénézis gives already some indication.
• 1. are you able to ride at a good pace and without stopping, twenty steps without getting winded?
Yes: it's good!
No: we must start by endurance activities.
• 2. Is your waist size less than 88 cm if you are a woman, 98 cm if you are a man?
Yes: you may have metabolic risk factors to evaluate with your doctor to adapt the activity.
No: it's good!

• 3. Lying, legs bent in crochet, you can straighten your shoulders and your chest to go and touch your knees 20 to 30 times in 1 minute?
Yes: it's good!
No: you must rebuild your ABS and your glutes before start you a program.

• 4. Sitting on a Chair, can you get up and sit without support you, 15 to 30 times in 1 minute?
Yes: more than 20 times, that's fine.
No: you need to work the muscles of the thighs and calves.

How much time per week of exercise physical?

WHO inspires us to start with 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week.
"We move his muscles, his heart and its vessels that allow to bring them the oxygen. Now a physical activity 40 to 60 minutes, three times a week minimum, we can maintain the power of the heart ejection and a good oxygenation of the tissues', says Dr. Christian Bénézis, a sports doctor.
The problem is that it is not always what to choose, how to, where to find time... "Recent studies indicate that can cut these 150 minutes in 10-minute increments," says Laurence Clemente, medicosportive educator.
You lack motivation? Be aware that, in these circumstances, each minute of exercise can make you win 7 minutes of life

Anti-aging sports top

They fight against the aging of the heart, lungs, muscles, joints, bones, or maintain the coordination of movements.
1. very fast market, or in part, without stopping: endurance activity that slows the aging of the heart and lungs. Reduced fat mass.
2 jogging: Ditto, provided you do not have osteoarthritis of the knee or pain at the level of its internal compartment, nor of intervertebral disc pinched.

3 bike: Ditto, if you not have problem of kneecap or knee in (valgus) x.
4 swimming: ditto. Also read: what type of swimming to what benefits?
5 Step: excellent for building muscle and maintain the heart.

6 qi gong, tai chi: excellent for building muscle and maintain the heart. Read also: Seniors: keep health with the Chinese gym!

7 dance: one of the best activities to maintain his bone and tone his muscles of the thighs and

How intense does reach?

"For the exercise to be healthy, must reach the threshold of shortness of breath, which is the beginning of shortness of breath," says Laurence Clemente. This happens when you put all of your muscles working as a debt of oxygen starts to happen.
"The market is still cited as an example, but in town, it can very rarely reach this threshold," she regrets. According to weight and physical fitness, some will have to walk very fast in a park, others scampering, others still, because they are already sporting run.
"Common error is to run too fast for his condition," observes the specialist. If you can no longer talk, if you are not able to conduct a conversation or call for the duration of the exercise, you're going too fast. And your heart can suffer.
That's right, good physical condition, must be earned! Most were sedentary, more profits are slow in coming. "It takes at least six months to find its balance," said Dr. Bénézis.

Uplifting news, there is no age to begin. Also, we're certain to have an outcome, in the event that one is standard. A study demonstrated that following 60 years, strolling 30 to 45 minutes three times each week, invigorates the arrangement of new neurons in the hippocampus, an area of the mind connected with memory.


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