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Eczema: definition and symptoms, causes and treatment

Eczema: definition and symptoms, causes and treatment

Skin inflammation is an exceptionally normal malady influencing 30% of the dermatological discussions. Nonetheless, it is anything but difficult to be mistaken for different sicknesses of the skin. Hence, how to distinguish it? What are the causes, side effects, and how to treat? Clarifications. Dermatitis is the most widely recognized ailment of the skin influencing, as per assessments, 15 to 30 percent of youngsters and 2-10% of grown-ups, in industrialized nations. Assumes that would have fundamentally expanded over the previous decades

Definition: what is that eczema?

 Eczema is an itchy skin disease, i.e. an itchy skin disease. Not contagious, accompanied by redness, fine vesicles and dander. Eczema can begin very early in life, especially in infants. It is often associated with asthma as well as various allergic reactions. People with eczema encounter "breakouts of eczema" during which symptoms worsen. These spurts to durations are separated from lull.  However, there are different types of eczema:

-Atopic eczema is the most common form of chronic eczema. It is about people prone to allergies to genetic, hereditary way. This eczema is triggered in the event of contact with an allergen. It is most often of a pneumallergene, i.e. a volatile element that will be breathed (pollen, dust, dust mites) but it can also be food allergen
. -contact, also called Dermatitis, eczema is an inflammation of the epidermis as a result of contact with a special substance that can be an allergen or not. This can be by rubber, nickel or another substance such as drugs or chemicals
. -eczema by internal awareness occurs when an infection by a bacterium, a virus or a fungus takes place and that a reaction occurs at the skin level. However, this form of eczema is more rare than the others

Symptoms: how to recognize eczema?

Eczema manifests itself more often on the hands, feet, face, neck and the folds of the members. It is characterized by constant and specific symptoms, but also by more varying symptoms depending on the type of eczema. Initially, eczema typically characterized by intense skin itching with dryness of the skin, as well as inflammation, that is to say the appearance of redness, warmth and swelling. The severity of the symptoms varies however from one individual to another. Skin damage caused by eczema can take many forms and evolve in different phases. During breakouts of eczema, the epidermis of the skin becomes dry, scaly, inflamed, covered with red roses, thickened vesicles and the skin begins to peel in tatters. In more advanced cases, we find a skin is oozing, or extremely dry and covered with plates (of dander). The affected area is more or less extended depending on th cause other additional symptoms such as dehydration, increased sensitivity to temperature changes, an increase of allergic diseases as well as rhinitis (irritation of the nasal cavity).e case. Eczema can also

The causes of eczema:

 It is difficult to determine with certainty the causes of eczema, insofar as these vary from one patient to another and form which he suffers. The research helped demonstrate that this skin disease showed a strong genetic component. People at risk have so often with parents also eczema or allergy.  Similarly, up to 70% of the parents of children with eczema themselves been affected at least once by eczema during their lives. But it is also possible to establish a general picture gathering factors that favour its appearance. In most cases, eczema is favored by an allergy, emotional factors such as stress and skin infections or immune deficiency. However, it is unclear why eczema arises at any particular period (except the contact eczema). The immunological problems are also common, especially among children who become very sensitive to all the elements that may be allergenic (dust, mite

Eczema treatments:

 Treatments differ depending on the type of eczema than the patient presented, depending on its severity and other factors. But most of the time, it must appeal to a combination of treatments to treat eczema. During the consultation, the doctor will thus try to determine the type of eczema and assess the seriousness to prescribe the right medicines and ointments. For most types of eczema, treatment options involve moisturizers as well as corticosteroids dermal (in the form of ointment). These molecules are effective in case of thrust of eczema to calm inflammation and itching, but they do not prevent recurrences. The most important measure in the treatment and prevention is the use of a moisturizer. When the eczema is more serious, corticosteroids may be prescribed orally to overcome the symptoms. It is possible to treat eczema in adults by ultraviolet, but this treatment increases the risk of skin cancer It is discouraged among young people. In case of strong itching, antihistamines may be prescribed as a sleep aid. For eczema contact, it is also recommended to avoid touching anything that can cause allergies and therefore trigger the appearance of plaques of eczema.


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