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Canker sores

15 to 30% of the populace is influenced by infection, ladies being more concerned. The mouth ulcer is a mellow condition, yet which can bother. It is a sore or ulcerationsuperficielle, noninfectious, a surface of a couple of millimeters. Encompassed by a provocative region, this sore is limited generally in the oral mucosa. The mouth ulcer causes an extremely upsetting copying sensation, and some of the time uneasiness when biting, and in addition a hyper-salivation. The torment for the most part endures between 2 to 5 days.


A canker sore is a small lesion of the oral mucosa inside that is the wall of the mouth. Canker sores appear as small white or yellowish, painful and well circumscribed lesions by a red line. They preferentially reach the gums, inside of the cheeks or the edges or the tip of the tongue. Touching the young subject, these lesions often most of the unique time evolve by thrusts and heal spontaneously. A canker sore treatment is based on good dental hygiene, and possibly on a local anesthetic gel to relieve pain if they are too troublesome.

Where can we get some canker sores?

Canker sores appear especially in the oral appliance, at the level of the lips, tongue, the inside of the cheeks, gums, the Palace or the throat. Canker sores can also be located on the genitals, Glans in humans, vulva in women. Canker sores are usually unique, but they can sometimes appear:


Canker sores can do following injuries to a bite of the lining, too energetic to teeth brushing, or dentures. They can also be linked to certain foods such as nuts, strawberries, spices, cheeses such as Gruyère or crustaceans. Some drugs may also be in

Risk factors:

Canker sores risk factors include a female (as the result of hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle), a hereditary character, stop smoking or even stress or fatigue. Canker sores usually go away on their own. But if they occur repeatedly, it is better to consult a doctor.


Oral hygiene
It is necessary to regularly brush their teeth, ideally using a toothpaste without SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate), a foaming agent found in most toothpastes that would promote the occurrence of canker sores in predisposed individuals.

Foods to avoid
It is also recommended to avoid nuts are a number of foods such as nuts, lespommes, cheese, strawberries, shellfish and spices.

Bad habits
Some habits, like the nibbling or a brushing your teeth too hard, favor the appearance of canker sores, as well as dentures badly positioned.


Mild ulcers
For mild canker sores, treatment is mostly local. It is based on the use of baths of mouths, anesthetic gel, mouth spray or lozenges antibacterial, antiseptic and anesthetic.

Recurrent Aphthae
The treatment is for recurrent canker sores, especially general. It relies on different molecules, don colchicine, which prevents recurrences, corticosteroids which accelerate lacicatrisation or thalidomide that prevents and calm the pain.

Natural remedy:

If you are on medication, take care to specify to your doctor or pharmacist before you prescribe a herbal treatment. These tips do not replace the advice of a physician or a pharmacist. If the symptoms persist or get worse, it should be quickly consult his doctor.
In the form of extracts, licorice has antiseptic and soothing properties that contribute to the healing of the ulcer. Licorice extract is applied externally, by dabbing the ulcerated area. Licorice is administered in the form of lozenges to suck.
Myrrh is known for its antiseptic properties. As a tincture, it is used against mouth infections and throat, such as canker sores, gingivitis, external use, as a gargle, or application.


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